What are the changes?
Washing Machines New Energy Label
With the redesigned energy label, some content innovations are introduced:
In general, a QR code will be found on all energy labels, which links to the EU product database EPREL. There you will find further information on the energy label and the product information sheet of the respective device.
The previous Plus classes (A +++, A ++ and A +) will no longer apply to the washing machine sector. The available energy efficiency classes then range from A to G.
The consumption of water and electricity is now no longer stated on the annual value, but per single cycle and 100 cycles respectively. Also new are the introduced noise classes for the centrifugal noise from A-D to make the noise level in dB (A) more transparent.
1. QR code
2. Energy efficiency class*
3. Weighted energy consumption* in kWh/100 operating cycles (in Eco 40-60 program)
4. Maximum load capacity
5. Duration of “Eco 40-60” cycle program in full load conditions
6. Weighted water consumption* in litres/operating cycle (in Eco 40-60 program)
7. Spin efficiency class*
8. Noise emissions during spin cycle expressed in dB(A) re 1 pW and noise emission class
*Values apply to quarter, half and full loads.

Washer Dryers New Energy Label
As with all new energy labels, there will also be a QR code for the washer-dryer, which links to the EU product database EPREL. There you will find further information on the energy label and the product data sheet of the respective device.
For the washer dryer area, the available energy efficiency classes continue to range from A to G. The complete layout of this product group will be revised. The washing and drying area and the washing area are shown on their own scale and the values for them are shown more clearly.
The consumption of water and electricity is now no longer stated on the annual value, but per cycle or 100 washing processes. Also new are the introduced noise classes for the centrifugal noise from A-D to make the noise level in dB (A) more transparent.
1. QR code
2. Energy efficiency class** (complete operating cycle)
3. Energy efficiency class* (wash cycle)
4. Weighted energy consumption in kWh/100 cycles (complete operating cycle**)
5. Weighted energy consumption* in kWh/100 cycles (wash cycle)
6. Maximum load capacity (complete operating cycle**)
7. Maximum load capacity (wash cycle)
8. Weighted water consumption in litres/operating cycle (complete operating cycle**)
9. Weighted water consumption* in litres/operating cycle (wash cycle)
10. Program duration (complete operating cycle**) in full load conditions
11. Duration of “Eco 40-60” program in full load conditions
12. Spin efficiency class*
13. Noise emissions during spin cycle expressed in dB(A) re 1 pW and noise emission class
*Values apply to washing quarter, half and full load. While washing and drying to half and full load.
**Wash and dry.

Dishwashers New Energy Label
As part of the standardisation process, the previous "Plus" classes (A +++, A ++ and A +) have also been replaced for dishwashers by a uniform scale from A to G.
According to the previous standard, the new energy efficiency class B corresponds approximately to a device with A +++ -23 %. In the future, a QR code will generally be found on all energy labels, which links to the EU product database EPREL. There you will find further information on the energy label and the product data sheet of the respective device.
Furthermore, new more realistic requirements (e.g. with pots) are introduced when specifying the place settings. Therefore, the values here will now be different compared to the old energy label.
The consumption of water and electricity is now no longer stated on the annual value, but per cycle or 100 flushing processes. Also new are the introduced noise classes from A-D to make the noise level in dB (A) more transparent.
1. QR code
2. Energy efficiency class
3. Weighted energy consumption in kWh/100 operating Eco cycles
4. Number of standard place settings
5. Water consumption in litres/operating Eco cycle
6. Duration of the “Eco” cycle
7. Noise emissions expressed in dB(A) re 1 pW and noise emission class

Refrigeration New Energy Label
There will also be a QR code on the labels of the refrigerators and freezers, which links to the EU product database EPREL. There you will find further information on the energy label and the product data sheet of the respective device.
The previous plus classes (A +++, A ++ and A +) will no longer apply to the area of cooling and freezing. The available energy efficiency classes then range from A to G. The new energy efficiency class A corresponds to a device with A +++ - 60% according to the previous standard.
As before, the consumption of electricity is reported on an annual basis. A-D new noise classes are new in order to make the noise level in dB (A) more transparent.
1. QR code
2. Energy efficiency class*
3. Energy consumption in kWh/year (measured under new standard conditions)
4. Total volume of all frozen compartments
5. Total volume of all unfrozen compartments
6. Noise emissions expressed in dB(A) re 1 pW and noise emission class
If you require any further information regarding these new Energy Efficiency Classes please
Contact Us Here.