The ultrasonic technology behind Opti-myst® presents the heart-warming illusion of a real fire at the flick of a switch. Mesmerised by the light mirrored in its ultrafine water mist as it rises from the coals or logs, your eyes will delight in what they contentedly accept as authentic flames and smoke. It’s this astonishing threedimensional deception that helped create the world’s most realistic electric fire range.
The Willowbrook Opti-myst electric stove combines a traditional black cast-iron effect design with advanced flame effect technology Looking deceptively real, Opti-myst will captivate you from the moment you see it. The fully 3-dimensional effect uses established ultrasonic technology to create an ultra-fine water mist. As the mist rises up through the logs or coals, the light reflects against the water creating a convincing illusion of flames and smoke. The result is an appearance so authentic it will be mistaken for true flames and smoke.
This product is only suitable for well insulated spaces or occasional use.
Tradition meets innovation in this beautiful electric stove.
Product Infromation: dimplex willowbrook optimyst stove
unique 3d flame & smoke effect
1-2kw or effect only setting
fully electronic room thermostat
credit card sized remote control
electric fire