H-WASH 300 LITEHOOVER H-WASH 300 LITE boasts the most complete set of washing cycles to take care of all your favourite clothes, preserving fabrics and colours for longer, without any effort.
KG MODEKG Mode is the function that weighs the laundry within the first 4 minutes of the program, adapting the water level, energy consumption and time of cycle with a scientific precision. Giving you a excellent wash whilst saving time and energy.
C CLASSIn compliance with the New Energy Label, this C class washing machine reduces consumption starting from 34% compared to a G class, saving energy and respecting the environment.
freestanding washing machine
9 kg capacity
1400 rpm
class c energy rated
advanced remote control extra content
(wi-fi + bluetooth)
15+1 progammes
start delay options
steam programme
white with chrome door