The Play FM is a compact and portable analogue radio, successor to the R9993, with FM/MW/LW wavebands, sleek fabric covering, easy-to-read LCD display, foldaway telescopic aerial, and flexible power options including 4 x AA batteries or USB-C, enabling convenient and stylish listening at home or on the go.
Navigate through national and local radio stations with ease, for a straightforward radio experience.
Play FM offers the best blend of traditional and modern controls. With rotary dials, large backlit LCD display and independent buttons per radio band, it's the most straightforward radio ever.
Enjoy the freedom to listen how and where you want with the Play FM. Also play right out of the box with included batteries or connect to mains via a USB-C power cable.
Product Infromation: roberts playfmw compact
digital radio
3 band fm/mw/lw
digital display
fabric covering
headphone socket
battery size 4 x aa/lr6 (included)
mains via usb-c cable (not included)
colour white